It was January, and a boy named Jake just had his birthday party. He was now 8. On the day after his birthday, while opening some unopened presents, with his best friend, Jimmy, he has a weird sensation. Something was not right. He looked around the house and everything seemed ok. So Jake asked his mom is he and Jimmy could go out side.
“Yes, but clean up the wrapping paper in the living room first!” said his mom. Jake and Jimmy cleaned up as fast as they could. When it was all cleaned, Jake took Jimmy to the woods.
“Where are we going?” asked Jimmy.
“I’ll show you.” replied Jake. Just then they reached a tree with a sparkling light at the top. “Climb it.” said Jake.
“Why?” asked Jimmy.
“’Cause I said so!” replied Jake. Jimmy reluctantly climbed the tree. When he was at the top, he discovered that he was actually at the bottom. Jake then joined him.
“Strange.” said Jimmy. “Can we go home now?”
“No. We have to discover why we are here!” Jake said, with excitement in his voice.
“Hello good friend.” said a familiar voice.
“GNOME!” shouted Jake.
“I am not the only one…Firebreath is with me too!”
“Hello Jake!” said a friendly voice.
“Firebreath!” yelled Jake. “Come on.” said Jake to Jimmy. Jimmy followed them for a little while then hid behind a rock. He began to get nervous about being away from home. “Isn’t this awesome?” Jake asked Jimmy. “Jimmy?” called Jake, “Jimmy?” Jake turned around and didn’t see Jimmy. “Ah, guys I think we are missing someone.”
“Who would that be?” asked Firebreath.
“Jimmy.” said Jake.
“I knew he was a troublesome boy, by the look in his eyes.” replied Firebreath.
Meanwhile Jimmy was hiding behind a rock. The rock suddenly moved!
“Whoa!” said Jimmy as he backed away.
“Will you help me?” asked a strange voice.
“First of all who are you?” asked Jimmy. He took another step back.
“I am known as Crawling Rock.” said the voice. “Now, will you help me?”
“Yes, with what?” Jimmy asked.
“I have something to give to a Gnome and a dragon.”
“I know who you mean, I have seen them!”
“Ok,” said a very tired Jake. “We’ve lost him. I hope he didn’t go off the trail.”
“I am sure he did.” said Firebreath.
“Well let’s go to Rocky Dragon Cliff. We can see for miles up there. Maybe we can find Jimmy that way.” suggested Jake.
“Ok.” agreed Firebreath. “Let’s Go.”
So the three friends set off. POOF! There was a flash of light, and an overwhelming smell of hot dogs, and suddenly laughter filled the air.
“Who’s there?” asked Firebreath.
“Us.” replied a goblin, who was sitting on a tree branch above them. “My name is Catapolte, I am the servant of Crawling Rock.” said the Goblin. Firebreath and Gnome looked at each other. They were surprised that the servant of their enemy was right before them!
“Here he come’s now!!! Hip Hip Hooray!” yelled Catapolte.
“Look out Jake!” screamed Firebreath. WOOSH! All of a sudden Jake was covered with armor!!! Beep, Beep, Beep… Jake pressed the flashing red button on his arm. He now had a sword and shield! SLING! Jake aimed his sword towards the rock creature.
“ROAR! He cut my foot!!!” yelled Crawling Rock. Then Crawling Rock started heating up. Jakes sword was of course a magic sword, and contained heat, water, ice, and spells. Jake used the heat spell to super heat Crawling Rock.
BOOM!!! Crawling Rock was destroyed.
“Ah man.” whined Catapolte. “Fine, I am really Jimmy. I was placed under a spell. I was supposed to destroy the dragon, and the gnome.”
“Huh?!” cried the group. “Jimmy???”
“Yea.” returned Jimmy. The goblin body began to dissolve, and Jimmy emerged.
“Looks like you are not coming back here again. You have helped my enemy!” said Jake. Firebreath flew them to the tree. Good byes were said. Jimmy and Jake climbed the tree to return home.
“That was an awesome adventure!” said Jimmy.
“Welcome to my world!” replied Jake.
“I hope to be able to go back again.” said Jimmy.
“Well see.” said Jake with a wink! The boys walked back to Jakes house remembering all the adventures they had!
~The End ~
Monday, November 23, 2009
Friday, October 9, 2009
The Zithon Of Death
The Zithon Of Death
By James Russell
Once upon a time there was a boy named Jake. Now Jake was not the ordinary type. He liked to go on adventures. One time, he went traveling in he woods. He thought he saw a very little, fuzzy creature scurry up a tree, as though it was scared. Jake looked up and saw a sparkling light. He climbed up the tree trunk, and when he was at what he thought was the top of the tree, he discovered another tree trunk growing straight up out of the tree. He felt he had no choice but to climb up or was it down? When he reached the ground he headed for home. On his search for home he met a small man.
"Go no further! For the Zithon of Death will destroy you!"
"Who is this Zithon of Death?" Asked Jake.
"Go no further! The Zithon is a terrible creature!" replied the Gnome.
"What is so terrible about this creature?" asked Jake
"Go no further! It is the creatures eye that contains the heart!" replied the Gnome.
So Jake bid the Gnome good-bye, and did as he was told. He sat on a rock to figure out how he would get home. He couldn't stand it any longer. He had to travel, and explore. So despite the Gnome's warning, he went on. While he was on his new trail, he saw a very large tentacle. He followed the length to a huge body! This creature had 9 inch teeth, and was as big as a city! Above him was a dragon blowing fire. Instantly Jake was covered in armor. It was then that a red, glowing eye had come into sight.
"That must be his heart-eye!" Thought Jake. Then all of a sudden a red flashing light on a Jake's arm caught his eye. Jake tapped at it, and then pressed it and a sword and a shield came out. Then Zithon nearly squished him. Jake cut a hole in Zithon's foot! Then Zithon fell and bellowed out in pain. While the dragon flew around Zithon, quickly and quietly, Jake snuck up the giants back avoiding the tentacles. He then slid down and caught a spike. Jake climbed up the spike and finally reached just under the bottom of the red eye. He got out his sword and stabbed the eye. Zithon stopped everything he was doing. Jake slid off the monster, as it fell in defeat. The dragon swooped down. Jake backed away from him. The dragon said to Jake, "Thank you for helping me destroy Zithon!"
"Wait!" said Jake, "You were trying to kill him too!"
"Yes. I was." replied the dragon.
"I am Jake."
"I am Fire Breath." Replied the dragon.
"I've never heard such a long name before!" answered Jake.
"Where is your home?" asked Fire Breath.
"I climbed a funny tree, then I found myself here." said Jake.
"I think I know which tree you mean." said Fire Breath. So Fire Breath took Jake to the magic tree. "Thank you." said Jake.
"You are welcome." said Fire Breath.
"Good bye my good friend!" said a familiar voice. Jake looked down and saw the gnome.
"Good bye Gnome." said Jake and Fire Breath at the same time.
"You know Gnome too?!" Jake asked.
"Yes, everyone in the wood knows Wise Gnome!"
"Well," said Jake, "Good bye." He waved good bye and climbed the tree. When he was at the top, he saw the other trunk, and climbed down. He found his way home. They all lived happily ever after, for now!
The End!
Wednesday, October 7, 2009
Testing, testing...
So, here we are attempting to introduce our son to the world of technology... He is a writer. He is also only 8... We home-school, and want him to be able to share his writing. This is where all that is going to happen. So, keep your eyes open for new blogs from our home-schooled wonder!!!

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